06 Aug Message From The Manager

What a year it has been so far! We are pleased to report that with the more relaxed Covid-19 guidelines, we are now operating back on our normal schedule. The Amenities Building is once again open from 8:00am to 10:00pm. While the pandemic put a damper on our resort projects for 2020, we are catching up on those projects in 2021. The Amenities Building now has new roof and we are replacing the atrium on the front of the building both upstairs and down. The back decks on the Amenities Building have also been freshened up and are ready for you to relax and enjoy the splendid views throughout the year. The game room now has some new additions including a foosball table, air hockey, claw machine and a tabletop gaming station with 100s of your old school video game. Don’t forget to swing by the Summit pool bar, we recently unveiled a new selection of refreshing adult beverages and we always have something for the children as well.
Summer will soon be coming to an end, but we are looking forward to all things fall in the Lakes Region. It is never too early to start planning fall getaways, check out our website for some fantastic packages. If you need help with ideas of where to go and things to do, please stop by the front desk as we are happy to assist with recommendations and directions.
Looking forward to seeing you around the resort!
Sue Violette
General Manager